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Together And Committed To Young Children

Supporting Professional Development of the Early Years Sector 

Our Story

TACTYC was founded in 1978 by a group of early years teacher trainers who recognised how isolated they were feeling in their work and how supportive and developmental it could be to come together with others in a similar position on a regular basis. Today, TACTYC has broadened its base to welcome people from a wide range of early years backgrounds; early years researchers, education consultants and professionals working with children and families in day-care, education, health, play work and social service contexts. TACTYC also warmly welcomes students from across these areas.


Our Strategy

Together and committed to young children

Advocacy and Lobbying

We aim to promote the interests of the ECEC workforce and children by:

  • Funding research projects that are open to all members. 

  • Planning and providing annual conferences focused on contemporary issues across the sector.

  • Contributing to discussions around contemporary issues that affect the sector. 

  • Forming purposeful partnerships to amplify voices in support of high quality early education and care. 

Supporting and Informing

We aim to support the sector through world leading research outputs and content which address contemporary issues:

  • TACTYC Early Years Journal

  • Occasional papers

  • Regular webinars open to all

  • Student reflections

  • Blogs

  • Book series

Charity number: 1181278

St Mary's University, Waldegrave Road, Twickenham, TW1 4SX

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