#GiveUsAChancellor – Update from Celeste at NCB

Dear All

As you will all by now know, the Chancellor has cancelled this year’s budget. Instead, he announced on Twitter that he would announce a “Winter Economy Plan” to Parliament today. The centrepiece is expected to be a government subsidy of the wages of workers returning to work after being furloughed. The impact this will have on the Comprehensive Spending Review process is so far unclear.

Please be advised that we will be proceeding with our planned campaign today. Most of the content in the Google Drive is still appropriate and the main hashtags (#GiveUsAChancellor and #ChidrenAtTheHeart) are still highly relevant. The main focal point will now become the statement to Parliament. Please:

  • Concentrate social media activity in the lead up to the statement in Parliament (expected around midday)
  • Post your reaction to the statement on Twitter following the statement
  • Continue to tag @RishiSunak and @HMTreasury

An additional suggested tweet has been added to the sample social media content:

  • What about an economic plan for children and young people @RishiSunak? Protect jobs. Protect children and young people too
    #GiveUsACHANCEllor #ChildrenAtTheHeart @HMTreasury https://bit.ly/32WFms9

Best wishes



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