Meet our Trustees
Dedicated to professional development in Early Years
On this page you will see an overview of each of our trustees along with their role within TACTYC and how you can contact them. For all general enquiries please contact: You can also contact this address if you are interested in viewing our Trustee recruitment pack.

Our Trustees

Wendy Scott
I am a Froebel trained early years teacher. Following thirteen years as a nursery and reception class teacher in London and in a disadvantaged rural area, I ran a playgroup while my children were young. This was followed by the headship of a demonstration nursery school on a university campus, specialising in children with hearing difficulties. As a senior lecturer in early years at the Froebel Institute, I co-ordinated the first Advanced Diploma in multi-professional studies, before joining the Inner London Education Authority as an early years inspector. Following the abolition of ILEA, I was appointed by The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea as their first primary and early years inspector.
When Ofsted took over school inspections, I became a trainer as well as a Registered Inspector, and was involved in the evaluation of Early Excellence Centres. I was concurrently the voluntary Chair and then the first CEO of The British Association for Early Childhood Education (BAECE), and was the first elected Chair of the national Early Childhood Forum. I joined the advisory team in the DfE when Sure Start was being set up, and served on the Nutbrown Review of early education and childcare qualifications.
I have had the privilege of working with the British Council in China and with UNICEF in the Maldives, advising on early years education at a time when practice here in the UK was recognised as world-leading. I judged Nursery of the Year for Nursery World for several years after the award was established in 2005, and was honoured to receive their first Lifetime Achievement Award. In 2015 I was granted an OBE for Services to Education, and am delighted to be able to continue to contribute to this vital work with TACTYC.

Viki Veale
Chair of Trustees:
​After training as a teacher at St Mary’s University, Twickenham I spent 20 years working with children and their families in a wide range of settings including Primary schools, Sure Start Centres, Play Groups and Home-based Child Care. My doctoral research acknowledges the challenges those who work with the youngest children face in gaining the recognition and respect they deserve. In my current role as a Senior Lecturer in Early Years and Primary Education at the same university where my journey began, I am able to encourage those already working with young children and those who wish to do so, to gain qualifications which prepare them for professional practice and give them the academic confidence to defend the play based, child centred relational pedagogy that defines ECEC. It is a privilege to be Membership Director and Trustee of TACTYC, an organisation committed to advocacy and lobbying for young children and those who work with them.

Lewis Fogarty
Vice-Chair of Trustees:
I am the director of a small group of nurseries in Berkshire and lead the MA Education programme at Brunel University specialising in leadership and management. My EdD research brings these areas together and is focused on developing a new understanding of leadership in the early years sector.
As well as this I am a proud (and exhausted) dad of 2 young boys which has made my motivation for improving the sector all the more urgent and opened my eyes even wider to the challenging reality of developing those in their precious early years.
I look forward to continuing to live, learn and develop all things early years and help to make the sector a better place for children and staff to be and feel both the knowledge and experience I can bring to my role as a TACTYC trustee will help do this.

Elizabeth Carruthers
Elizabeth is Scottish and bilingual; English is her second language. She is a researcher and author who is an advocate for teachers as researchers. Elizabeth was executive head of Redcliffe Nursery School and National Teaching School in Bristol for twelve years. Here she developed a centre where teachers and practitioners were research active. This included working with Bath Spa University to develop ‘easy to reach’ Masters Degree Programmes for early years teachers and practitioners. She has also worked as a teacher in primary and nursery schools for over thirty years in London, the South-West of England and Louisville, Kentucky. Elizabeth’s research interests are early mathematics, teachers as researchers and early years leadership. She has written extensively over the last thirty-five years in both academic and professional journals and chapters in books. She has co-authored three books. Her work on children’s mathematical graphics along with her co-author Maulfry Worthington was recognised by the English Department of Education, Williams Review of Early Years and Primary Mathematics. She is proud to announce the recent birth of her first grandchild who is absolutely delightful and she is enjoying every minute she can with him.

Rod Parker-Rees
Editor in Chief:
​I trained as a nursery teacher and worked in nursery and reception in Bristol before joining Plymouth University (initially at the Rolle campus in Exmouth) where I helped to set up and run Early Years specialist programmes in the Bed and PGCE and a BA Early Childhood Studies programme. I joined TACTYC’s executive committee in 1997 and became an editor of ‘Early Years’ in 1998. Since then I have had the privilege of working with some inspirational colleagues, including Marian Whitehead, Geva Blenkin, Liz Brooker, Pam Oberhuemer, Jan Georgeson, Arianna Lazzari, Carmen Dalli, Linda Mitchell and Michelle Neuman. The journal has grown from two issues per year with nearly all UK papers to a fully international journal, listed in the Social Sciences Citation Index, and with five issues and about 200,000 downloads per year. I retired in 2017 but continue to keep in touch through work as an external examiner and as a member of the board of TACTYC. After I retired I was finally able to complete my PhD and I now really appreciate having time to keep up with the tasks associated with being Editor-in-Chief of Early Years – and even having some spare time for cycling and woodworking!

Eva Mikuska
Eva is a Senior Lecturer and Departmental Director for Postgraduate Research at the University of Portsmouth. Eva started her career as a geography teacher, but at the beginning of the Yugoslav war, she came to live in the UK and started working in early years settings as an Early Years Educator and Nursery Manager. In 2004 Eva started teaching in Higher Education. Currently she is teaching on various early childhood and psychology related programmes, with the main focus on methodological approaches to research, early years professional and educational practices among other Early Childhood Education and Care related topics.Her research focuses on exploring the role of emotion in professional care practices, and discourse analysis around gender and ethnicity in Early Childhood Education and Care. Eva represents TACTYC at ECSDN.

Eleanor Milligan
After teaching abroad, I completed my Early Years teacher training and taught across the foundation stage for 11 years in Norfolk. Working as a link teacher in a Sure Start Centre I gained my Early Years Professional Status and was invited to deliver guest lectures and workshops to trainee teachers.
I now work at the University of East Anglia, where I teach across undergraduate and postgraduate courses on modules with Early Years, Wellbeing and outdoor learning foci. Within all of them I have had a clear focus on ‘starting from the child’, embedding reflective and relational practice, and recognising of the rights of every unique child and their family.
In my predominant role, leading the Early Years programme on the primary PGCE course, I am passionate about providing future teachers with confidence to put child development first, be critically aware of (and challenge if necessary) the methods, approaches and resources used in EY settings, focus on holistic practices, recognise the importance of the family, environment and communities that surround the child, and value working with and learning from colleagues collaboratively. With collaboration and community practice in mind, I also coordinate the Joyce Morris Early Years Literacies Forum events and have set up the Reception Class Teacher Network. I have worked with the Norwich opportunity area to evaluate their Community Communication Champions initiative and am currently working within a research team looking at the opportunities for a mindfulness based pedagogical approach.

Hannah Foster
I have been a full-time teacher in Early Years at a private school in Twickenham since achieving a First Class Honours in my Primary Education Degree with QTS. I am also Head of Phonics and Reading Leader for the school. My degree course placements and those from prior Childcare and Education in Early Years qualifications provided me with valuable experience of working in a variety of different settings across the nursery and primary school spectrum and opened my eyes to the range of challenges faced by educators and their pupils working in different environments. Consequently, I feel strongly about fighting for what is right, contesting the norms and ensuring our voice as educational leaders is clearly heard, especially in promoting the need for a child led focus to learning.
I have had the fortunate experience of teaching a very young MENSA registered child genius which opened my eyes to the lack of support available for more able pupils. I also have a keen interest in Autism/SEN and feel passionate about developing my skills at opposite ends of the learning range. I enjoy working with children in various capacities as I have my own tutoring, childcare and entertainment companies and love the different dynamics to learning which this provides.
As a young TACTYC Trustee I am truly excited to be joining such a distinguished team and I look forward to contributing fresh perspectives and new ideas to help reinforce and enhance our commitment to all Early Years Educators. I wish to continue to expand my understanding and knowledge within the Early Years and share this with the wider community, including the children and families within my care, my peers and internal and external communities of practice.

Joelle Feudjo Maneze
With over two decades of experience in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) my journey encompasses various roles, from managerial positions to active participation in advocacy role within the sector. Transitioning into working in consultancy, where I collaborate closely with childcare settings by providing insight into the practical implementation of the Early Year foundation Stage Curriculum (EYFS), as well as exploring and establishing strategic approaches towards successful transformative pedagogies.
As a member of a minority ethnic community who is deeply committed to Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC), my intention is drawn upon my experiences to advocate for the need of development of policies, programs, and practices that are effectively inclusive and supportive for practitioners and children from minority backgrounds.
My educational background includes an MSc in Social Research Methods and a Bachelor of Art (Hon) in Childhood and Youth Studies, both of which serve as foundational pillars upon which I continue to build.
Central to my ethos is the belief in the paramount importance of enhancing continuous professional development using innovative tools and approaches to facilitate the optimal learning and development of young children. As due to my first-hand insights and experiences, I am passionate about supporting childcare settings in implementing self-improvement strategies and driving transformative change.
This dedication is underscored by my published articles, which reflect my commitment to addressing the challenges faced by practitioners in childcare settings.​​​​​​​​​​​​

Karen Vincent
I am a Senior Lecturer in Early Childhood Education in the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Education at Canterbury Christ Church University. My experiences as a teacher and middle leader in early years settings are at the root of my pedagogical research interests. My doctoral study explored the values and beliefs of early childhood initial teacher educators, concluding that pedagogical activism is a key component of their pedagogical practices.
I am currently engaged in researching with early years settings in Kent to explore pedagogical interactions in the outdoors, as well as collaborating on an ECSDN project to understand more about our Early Childhood Studies graduates in the workplace. I teach and lead modules to support our undergraduate placement students and masters’ students and my most recent publication is Supporting Early Literacies through Play, which was co-written with Dr Kate Smith and designed to support a variety of early years professionals. I am Secretary and Vice Chair of the England branch of the International Professional Development Association (IPDA), Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a long-serving member of TACTYC. In my role as trustee, I am very keen to support the professional learning and development of our members.

Stella Smith
My Early Years journey began in 2012 when I completed by Early Years Professional Status with Teacher Status. Shortly after I became Deputy and then Manager of a busy private nursery in Birmingham. My work within Early Years has developed into further education and supporting Early Years Educator Apprenticeships and then onto Higher Education.
My current role as a placement co-ordinator and lecturer for Childhood and Early Childhood Degrees at Nottingham Trent University as well as supporting Early Years apprenticeships and HND programmes from level 4 to level 6. In this role I liaise with both students and settings and support them on their journeys within Early Childhood and help students gain confidence alongside their academic and professional degrees.
As an adoptive mother, my research interests have been shaped through this experience and have encouraged me to explore the identity of Children Looked After within the early years and explore the roles early years practitioners play in promoting positive attachments for children who have care experience.
I look forward to being able to bring my diverse knowledge and experiences within early years to help empower practitioners to be confident and proud advocates for young children.

Sue Allingham
Sue started as a teacher, finally becoming a Senior Early Years Lead in a Primary School and Lead Teacher for her Local Authority. Moving into research Sue gained an MA then a Doctorate, both in Early Childhood Education, from Sheffield University. This led to becoming a Local Authority Early Years Adviser enabling her to develop her practice working with provision across the EYFS. As an Independent Consultant, Author and Trainer, Sue is known for her practical style of working through coaching, mentoring, modelling, training and working alongside teams to develop practice and provision.
Her interests in teaching and learning have led to work on emotional and physical environments that will support informed teaching and learning through an understanding of neuroscience and physical development
This work has recently led to her being trained and accredited in the Brain-SET approach. This approach is rooted in early brain development and has added a new dimension to her work. Sue has also achieved a Level 2 Award in an Introduction to Neuroscience in Early Years, and has been trained in Physical Literacy, and the use of the Leuven Scales
As a member of the Editorial Board of EYE (Early Years Educator) her writing is familiar to many and she has written two books that support practice across the Early Years and into Key Stage One – Transitions in the Early Years and Emotional Literacy in the Early Years. Both published by Practical Pre-School Books