“The really lovely, rich, magical moments are when we create something together - parents, children, staff”: An exploration of parent and practitioner voices
in the community-management of a Reggio-inspired ECEC setting
Chantal Worsdell: University of Chester
This paper explores the impact of community-management in an early childhood education and care (ECEC) setting for parents and practitioners through the case study of a Reggio-inspired pre-school in England. Using qualitative research and thematic analysis, fresh understandings of how and why parents and practitioners use their ‘voice’ are revealed, showing how collaboratively created practice offers greater support for practitioners. The process of co-creating pedagogy via dialogic relationships between parents and practitioners is shown to have significant impacts on the participants and the setting, expanding contemporary understandings of this form of parent-participation.
Parent-participation, voice, love, Reggio, early childhood.
See the full paper here: