An International Outlook
Early Years: An International Research Journal publishes research papers and scholarly critiques on all issues associated with early childhood education and care. The journal’s overall approach is international and multidisciplinary, aiming to broaden the cross-national debate by representing a wide range of perspectives from different countries, different disciplines and different research methodologies and paradigms.
An Early Years Focus
A Team of Dedicated Editors
As the official journal of TACTYC (Together and Committed to Young Children), a particular focus of EarlyYears is the initial and continuing professional development of early years practitioners for the increasingly complex and demanding work within multi-professional teams and with families from a wide range of social and cultural backgrounds.
Editor in Chief
Rod Parker-Rees – Plymouth Institute of Education, University of Plymouth, UK
Diana Dos Santos Sousa – University College London, UK
Jan Georgeson – Plymouth Institute of Education, University of Plymouth, UK
Linda Mitchell – University of Waikato, NZ
Michelle Neuman – University of Pennsylvania, USA