
2009 Conference/AGM

Date: 6th and 7th November 2009 Venue: Milton Keynes Topic: Inspiring Practice in Early Education: Research, Reflection, Debate. With almost a hundred delegates, the buzz at this year’s Conference was amazing. Our three keynotes were (see below) extremely well received. Each of them offered a very distinctive and highly informed presentation that is now available on this website – you can find them here.…
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2010 Conference/AGM

Date: 13th November 2010 Venue: Novotel, Broad Street, Birmingham Topic: Grounds for play: exploring risk in the outdoor early years environment. Over 100 delegates attended this year’s excellent conference and, of those, 42 were present at the AGM – a really good turnout all round.…
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2011 Conference/AGM

Date: 11th and 12th November 2011 Venue: Marriott Hotel, Tadcaster Road, York, YO24 1QQ Topic: ‘Ready’ for School? Research, Reflection and Debate. A research into practice conference Yet again, it seems that TACTYC pulled out all the stops and created a stunning conference.…
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2012 Conference/AGM

Date: Saturday, 10th November 2012 Venue: The International Conference Centre, Birmingham Topic: Developing Early Years Practice: Reflecting on developments in practice and research TACTYC Conference goes from strength to strength Early years educators this year’s TACTYC conference experienced yet another outstanding opportunity to be stimulated, challenged and supported in their professional development.…
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Conferences & AGM 2013

Title: The Early Years Continuum: Exploring and valuing high quality practice and research in early years Dates: Friday, 1st and Saturday, 2nd November 2013 Venue: The International Convention Centre (ICC), Broad Street, Birmingham, B1 2EA, UK Keynote by Vasudevi Reddy | Early Years editors’ Journal report | Chair’s report | Website report We enjoyed another highly successful TACTYC Conference and AGM in 2013, with the International Convention Centre, Birmingham as our venue for the second year running.…
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Conferences and AGM 2014

CONFERENCE/AGM 2014 Saturday 1st November, 2014 Successful Pedagogy: Advocating for strong evidence to support early learning With around 135 delegates, TACTYC’s 2014 Conference and AGM was a popular event! Once again, we found the International Convention Centre, Birmingham an excellent venue, in terms of its location, accommodation and staff team.…
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Conference and AGM 2015

CONFERENCE/AGM 2015 – Children’s and Practitioners’ experiences of early years care and education: Advocating for young children through research and practice. 30th and 31st October 2015 International Convention Centre, Birmingham, B1 2EA, UK  Almost 100 delegates attended TACTYC’s 2015 Conference. Our schedule was packed with keynotes and workshops but there was also ample time to network with colleagues and enjoy the marketplace stands.…
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Conference and AGM 2016

CONFERENCE/AGM 2016: a great success! Title:  Principled Early Years Practice: Valuing our past, debating our present, inspiring our future Date: Saturday 19th November, 2016.   Venue: Park Crescent Conference Centre, International Students House, 229 Great Portland Street, London. W1W 5PN. CONFERENCE REPORT More than 80 delegates attended TACTYC’s one-day 2016 Conference at the Park Crescent Conference Centre, adjacent to the International Student House in London.…
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Conference and AGM 2017

2017 TACTYC Conference Report Focus: ‘Me, You, Us: Young Children’s Identities, diversity and equality in the 21st Century’ Around 80 delegates attended TACTYC’s one-day conference on 4th November 2017, for which we returned to a favourite venue: the International Convention Centre (ICC) in Birmingham.…
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TACTYC – Inclusive Practice in the Early Years

A LIVE WEBINAR FOCUSING ON INCLUSIVE PRACTICE IN THE EARLY YEARS This webinar, led by author and early years expert Penny Borkett, focuses on the ever-evolving notion of inclusion. It will discuss how inclusion has changed since first introduced through the Warnock review.…
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TACTYC Conference and AGM 2021

Saturday 19th June 2021 Free online conference TACTYC_2021_Conference_Flyer_Transitions_ AGM Papers can be read here – TACTYC AGM Agenda 2021 TACTYC AGM Minutes June 2021, Chairs-report 2020 21 Final, Website Report June 2021 TACTYC-Membership-Report-AGM-2021, Chairs-report 2020 21, TACTYC budget statement 2020_2021 Thank you to all our members!…
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