Category Archives: latest news

Briefing Paper following the ECSDN/TACTYC Symposium ‘Professionals working with young children: or just anybody?’ #’One voice for childhood’

Here is the briefing paper following the ECSDN/TACTYC Symposium
University of Reading 1st November 2019
‘Professionals working with young children: or just anybody?’

A group of academics, practitioners, professionals and employers from the early childhood sector met to discuss the growing crisis in the early childhood workforce. 

A joint social media campaign began on 8th November entitled #'One voice for childhood'

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New research and reports available to read ……

New research and reports available to read here


Following on from the success of previous commissioned studies, TACTYC invites proposals for a new research project:

Systematic literature review of international research evidence on the impact of staff qualification levels in ECEC on the experiences of and outcomes for children and families.

More information here and guidelines on the submission process here

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EYFS Consultation Launch – have your say?

EYFS Consultation Launch - have your say?

The Department for Education has today launched a public consultation seeking views on changes to the statutory framework for the early years foundation stage (EYFS). The goal of the reforms is to improve outcomes for all children and reduce workload. The EYFS consultation is now live here and will run until January 2020. 

The summary of the EYFS coalition consultation is here.

The consultation includes proposed changes to the educational programmes, the early learning goals and the EYFS profile assessment. It also seeks views on one change to the safeguarding and welfare section of the framework to promote good oral health.

Also, please see the Maths ELG proposals from ELG

Findings from the pilot of the draft revised EYFS framework led by the Education Endowment Foundation, in partnership with NatCen Social Research and Action for Children have also been published today.

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TACTYC Membership

Membership Details

Have you recently changed your email details? If, so please can you contact us and let us know. We are currently trying to contact all our members to share some important news and updates with you. 

The old classic bank account is now closed and it is important for all members to check their standing order arrangements.  Please amend your standing orders now and ensure that any bank transfers are made into the new Account (see members only part of the website). Please contact either Viki Veale, our Membership Secretary or [email protected] to change your details. 

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Online Survey

Recruiting now!

Do you work with children and young people with toileting difficulties, who also have special educational needs and disability?

We want to hear from you!

We are conducting an online survey with school and social care staff about toileting for children and young people with special educational needs and disability. The NHS wants to improve toileting services for children and young people up to the age of 25 years. We need to hear your experiences of trying ways to improve toileting and how toileting is managed. The results of the survey will help inform health and care services for children in the future. To take part in the survey visit:

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Froebel Trust ‘Hub and Spoke’ Programme

Hub and Spoke Expressions of Interest

The Froebel Trust is calling for expressions of interest for its Hub and Spoke programme,

A 'Hub' is potentially a partnership between an ECE setting and researchers, although this need not necessarily be the case and applicants can decide how to constitute their proposed Hub, which should do things like explore, interrogate, exemplify and disseminate Froebelian approaches to ECEC. The criteria and objectives are detailed on the website. A fascinating project?

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Launch of “Getting it right in the Early Years Foundation Stage: a review of the evidence” A sector-led response to the proposed changes in the EYFS

'Getting it right in the Early Years Foundation Stage: a review of the evidence'.  Exciting launch of the report from the Centre for Research in Early Childhood authors Chris Pascal, Tony Bertram, Liz Rouse. Getting it right means looking at the evidence, a sector-led response to the proposed changes to the EYFS.

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TACTYC Updates in Nursery World

TACTYC Executive Members have been highlighting relevant issues in Nursery World!

Read the latest from our President Wendy Scott 'Time to look and listen Minister'. Wendy asks Nick Gibb, minister now in charge of early years, to pay attention to the evidence on effective practice in the latest opinion piece

Helen Moylett and Nancy Stewart call for sector-wide collaboration ahead of the review of Development Matters 'Its's time to talk!' 

TACTYC are also involved in the EYFS Launch Proposed EYFS changes ‘not supported by evidence’

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More than a Score ‘research’

Interesting information from Alice Bradbury's research commissioned by More Than a Score on Head teachers' views of baseline.  The coverage includes quotes from our own Nancy Stewart - look out for Nancy on ITV on Thursday!

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