Royal Foundation for Early Childhood

The Royal Foundation for Early Childhood Launch ‘Shaping Us’ Check out the short and powerful launch video here – Layla’s story The Royal Foundation Centre for Early Childhood  are launching the new #ShapingUs campaign to highlight the importance of early childhood.…

2005 Conference/AGM

Date: Friday 4th and Saturday 5th November 2005 Venue: The Thistle Hotel, Cardiff Topic: Birth to Eight Matters: Seeking Seamlessness – Continuity? Integration? Creativity? Speakers: Ruth Pimentel, Prof. Iram Siraj-Blatchford, Prof. Carol Aubrey and Ros Bayley and team. If you would like to view the presentations made by Ruth Pimentel, Iram Siraj-Blatchford and Carol Aubrey, please click on the individual’s name.…

2009 Conference/AGM

Date: 6th and 7th November 2009 Venue: Milton Keynes Topic: Inspiring Practice in Early Education: Research, Reflection, Debate. With almost a hundred delegates, the buzz at this year’s Conference was amazing. Our three keynotes were (see below) extremely well received. Each of them offered a very distinctive and highly informed presentation that is now available on this website – you can find them here.…

Conferences and AGM 2014

CONFERENCE/AGM 2014 Saturday 1st November, 2014 Successful Pedagogy: Advocating for strong evidence to support early learning With around 135 delegates, TACTYC’s 2014 Conference and AGM was a popular event! Once again, we found the International Convention Centre, Birmingham an excellent venue, in terms of its location, accommodation and staff team.…

TACTYC Conference and AGM 2019

‘Happiness and Well-being in the Early Years’ Saturday 15th June 2019 Here is the Conference Report for you to read. It was a fabulous day and most thought provoking! As usual, feedback was exceptional from attendees. Presentations included Samatha Jane Hulston from Cambridge University: ‘Embodied meaning making: children’s use of physical actions to respond to wordless picturebooks’ Research briefings from Margaret Clark who shared her most recent research on phonics here, including the research summary report.…

PRESS RELEASE -19 October 2020 – Early years practitioners urged to have their say, as work begins on “Birth to 5 Matters” EYFS guidance

An online survey is being launched today by the Early Years Coalition (EYC)*, a group of sector representative bodies, to find out practitioners’ views and needs for guidance to support the revised EYFS. This is the first stage of a process to help shape a revision of the 2012 EYFS non-statutory guidance Development Matters in response to feedback that showed practitioners want to keep the best aspects of this highly valued guidance, while updating and improving it to reflect current challenges. …

New challenges for us as EYE practitioners

Working through this uncertain, crazy, cruel Coronavirus pandemic has been a roller coaster of emotions for the practitioners and the families that attend our setting and has set new challenges and rewards along the way!  Life has gone in a new direction and we feel passionate about reducing the stress and anxiety around children, so practitioners are conscious about being calm whilst also highlighting the necessity of hygiene such as an increased need for hand washing. …

Inclusion and Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND): Is this an education system in crisis?

  As someone who has worked in SEND for twenty five years as a teaching assistant (TA) in both mainstream and special education, as Portage worker, Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator and  having recently authored a book relating to SEND, I have found myself becoming increasingly alarmed by the many media articles over the past few months (House of Commons: 2019, Guardian; 12/2019, Nursery World: 2019) relating to the breakdown of SEND provision for some of the most vulnerable children in our society.…

We told you so – but are we being heard?

We told you so… but are we being heard? With the recent election bringing a hefty government majority for the foreseeable future, it’s time to ask ourselves what this may mean for young children and those who work with them.  TACTYC has been campaigning vigorously in opposition to some of the policies of the Conservative government, so it can be discouraging to wonder whether some of these may be steamrollered ahead in spite of informed, evidenced objections from the profession There is one government policy I fear will now go ahead, regardless of all our efforts to the contrary. …

Latest news

OUR GOOD NEWS FOR 2019 IS ......!

We are delighted to tell you that we have been awarded Charitable Status as of now.  The Exec will have to get to grips with what all this means in the new year and our committee will be reconsidered then.  Currently we have six Trustees.  More news after our first meeting on the 9th January.

The first Reflections paper of the year...

Read Linda Withey's paper about a project supporting parents to understand the role they play in young children's language development through 'Chit-chat' everyday.


We have a new 'Call for Papers' on Early Childhood Education and Care in Latin America here and on our Journal's pages.  And we say goodbye to one of our long-standing editors:  Professor Pamela Oberhuemer has recently retired and we wish her well in her retirement and thank her most sincerely for all her work on behalf of the Journal and TACTYC.


What a wonderful Conference ... the hotel was magnificent and the Enterprise Centre Derby just brilliant! See the full report here.

Why do so few men work in the UK early years sector…and why should we care?

Dr Jo Warin and Dr Jeremy Davies have launched their two-year study GenderEYE (Gender Diversification in Early Years Education) - an international and UK based study, with a focus on recruitment , retention and support for men in the early years education workforce. This coincides with International Men’s Day on 19th November. Worth a look ....? 

Quality Assurance of CPD for Teachers

The Chartered College of Teaching, alongside the Teacher Development Trust and Sheffield Institute of Education, Sheffield Hallam University are undertaking a project jointly funded by Wellcome Trust and the Education Endowment Foundation to design and test a system to quality assure the provision of continuing professional development for teachers. The online consultation closed recently but if you would like to respond, further information is available here.


We shall be closing the TACTYC Current Account on the 31st March, 2019. This means that any subscriptions paid to that account MUST be changed to the Treasurer Account before that date.  We do want you all to be part of our campaigns and help us sustain pressure on governments and institutions to make excellent provision for early years professional development and young children, so WE NEED YOU!   Please amend your standing orders now please and ensure that any bank transfers are made into the new Account (see members only part of the website).


Mimi Tatlow-Golden (Open University) has written an excellent paper entitled ‘Big, strong and healthy’? Children, food and eating in the early years, and the role preschools can play, in which she encourages all practitioners to 'support children and their families to grow not-too-big, very strong, and definitely healthy, by engaging in the evidence-based strategies' outline in the Paper.  A must read.


We are delighted to announce the winner of this year's Student Reflections Award is Megan Taddeo, a post-graduate student of the University of Winchester with a paper entitled 'Listening to children creates Better Beginnings'. Runner-up was Rachel Hingston from the University of Plymouth with 'Two birds with one stone: How putting the value back into mealtimes can improve children’s communication and long-term health'. Megan's paper can be read here.


The notes available here describe some of the main discussion points between colleagues from TACTYC and the DfE at a meeting held on  13th July 2018 in response to the current draft ELGs being piloted over the next academic year.


We have a new book review about outdoor play with under 3's - read it here.


Please read this recently published article 'The views of teachers, parents and children on the Phonics Screening Check: the continuing domination of politics over evidence' by Margaret M Clark OBE Also see Education Journal (10 July 2018)  'Evidence based policy?' BERA has just released its Report on Baseline Assessment, which is very well formulated - read it here. Early Education has made a strong comment on the revised EYFS and ELGs - read it here.

MEMBERS:  Do read our Latest online NEWSLETTER HERE 


TACTYC's Book Series has added a sixth book to its collection: recently launched is Gina Houston's book: Racialisation in Early Years Education: Black Children's Stories from the Classroom. All the books in the series are available from Routledge.

Reflection Papers

TACTYC Reflections papers Undertaking a Reflections paper offers you the chance to have a short paper web-published and responded to by like minded professionals. These are a popular part of our website and we always welcome more papers. Please contact TACTYC with your thoughts, ideas or draft/completed papers, putting ‘Reflections paper’ in the subject line.…

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